Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Resurrected Facebook Post 5: True Story

True story:
I don't know where I am.

I went with my cousin Renee to the mall. While she was trying on some clothes, I decided to try my hand at being French.

As you may know, I had originally intended to be French for Halloween. My costume was to consist of a horizontally striped shirt, a beret, and a cigarette (and possibly some French bread). I would also have a delightfully crappy French accent, and say only one phrase - "Life eees sheeet".

That ended up not happening. At the time, I worked with a French postdoc, Frantz, whom I adored. (He's also 6'10" and an expert in Aikido.)

Anyway, I decided to try this on for kicks. A little girl, probably about four years old, saw me put it on, and laughed.

I asked her if she thought it looked good on me. She said no.

I then asked her if she thought it looked silly. She said yes and giggled. Her dad laughed too.

This is what I do. :)

The thing is, while I was waiting in line with my cousin, the little girl came up to me - with a face smeared with chocolate - and gave me a coloring page she had been working on while she was waiting for her mom.

By this act, this adorable little girl has restored my faith in humanity and completely absolved any pessimism I'd accumulated over the last 20 years. Ok, maybe not, but it was awfully sweet of her.

In honor of that little girl, and the spirit of the season, I give you the following embarrassing photos.

And for those of you who remember the 1990s, yes Monica, there is a Santa Claus.

"Faced with crisis, the man of character
falls back on himself. He imposes
his own stamp of action, takes responsibility
for it, makes it his own." - Charles de Gaulle

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