Friday, September 7, 2012

One state, two state, red state, blue state (part 2)

Part 1

Who am I? My name is Murdoch. 

I do not like my little stock. 

This is no good. This is not right. My journalists hack phones all night. And when I pull them in, Oh dear! My company gets trouble over here! 

We like our bike. 

It is made for three. 

Our Mike sits up in back, you see. 

We like our Mike and this is why: Mike does all the work when the hills get high. 

Hello there, Murdoch. How do you do? Tell me, tell me what is new? How are things in your little stock? 

What is new? Please tell me, Murdoch. 

I do not like this stock at all. A lot of things have come to call. A court, a judge, the press, David Cameron. 

Oh! What a cock! 

Oh! What a son! 
Oh, dear! Oh, dear! I can not hear. 

Will you please come over near? Will you please look in my ear? There must be something there, I fear. 

Say, look! A bird was in your ear. 

But he is out. So have no fear. 


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