Friday, October 12, 2012

Awkward facial expressions post VP debate

Joe Biden wasn't the only one with some interesting facial expressions tonight.

Jonathan Martin of Politico and Sam Youngman of Reuters discussed the VP debate with Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodruff at the PBS News Hour.

The analysis, as always, was informative. But I was struck by how young and green these guys appeared, even though they seem to have lots of experience covering politics. Were they just excited to be on PBS?

I know, I'm being shallow and petty, but I can't get over the awkwardness. Call it appreciation for kindred spirits.

Again, let me emphasize that I thought they did a great job. But I think there's some irony in the fact that two reporters covering a debate marked by facial awkwardness couldn't help but show some of their own. Honestly, it sometimes looked like a weird prom photo.

The whole video, worth watching is here. This particular segment begins at 9:47.

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