Sunday, March 21, 2010

Truth or Consequences, Healthcare Edition

I'm curious what, if any, retaliatory action will be taken against Democrats who voted no on health care. I'm thinking back to heavy primary challenges of moderate Republicans over the last few years -- think senators Arlen Specter and Lincoln Chafee", who both ended up leaving the party, and Florida governor Charlie Crist, who, despite being quite popular among his constituents, has come under attack from his own party. This process, of course, hit a new high of sorts with the heavily contested, closely watched three-ring circus that was the NY-23 Congressional special election.

If there were particularly ruthless and cunning individuals holding the positions of whip, majority leader, or Speaker of the House, I could envision some sort of Godfather/Elizabeth movie denounement that involved the political "execution" of the unloyal and unfaithful. But I'm not sure Pelosi's leadership is that secure, or Hoyer has that type of temperament. I know less about Jim Clyburn, but a quick search did not reveal anything indicating a particularly vindictive or ruthless streak. I'm not sure Howard Dean would take that approach, either.

Maybe the Democratic party will remain a big tent. Maybe a lot of these reps are toast in 2010 without help from Rahmbo. I do not know whether to hope for a leaner, meaner party and its unintended consequences or not. I'll watch, and maybe learn.

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