Saturday, August 21, 2010

Help for a friend seeking entrance into USMC Officer Candidate Program

Today I am appealing to you to help me find a way for a friend to successfully join the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidate Program.

I knew James in elementary school. He’d always been athletic, and a leader. From what I’ve learned about his cross-fit training, he’s continued that today. He’s come a long way from the guy who busted my chops because of lackluster performance on the flag football field. :) He’s lost a lot of weight, gotten fit, and helped inspire and train a lot of his friends. I believe he enjoys the respect and admiration of his colleagues and clients, and that both are well deserved.

James has informed me that his dream is to enlist in the USMC Officer Candidate Program. Unfortunately, his tattoos have apparently disqualified him in the eyes of the recruiter. I am not aware of the specifics of USMC policy regarding body art, though I have met veterans who possessed prominent tribal tattoos.

In any case, I’m disappointed that the USMC reached this conclusion, especially in a time of war, and especially given the need for individuals possessing demonstrated leadership ability and commitment to physical fitness.

I appeal to anyone who might know more about the USMC officer recruitment process, or those who may know of tattoo removal specialists who may be willing to volunteer their services to remove some of James’ tattoos. (I haven’t checked whether he would agree to that, but it’s a possibility worth considering.) Whatever your feelings about the current wars, or service in the armed forces, I hope you will trust that I have weighed and considered this matter, and have decided that I need to do something to help.



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