Thursday, November 15, 2012

You are very special

Yes, you are.

If you're reading this, then we are probably Facebook friends. And, believe it or not, that means something.

It means I spent some time contemplating and weighing the benefits and costs of maintaining what seems like the tenuous of connections. But remember: Facebook is my window to the outside world, to people scattered across the globe, from various points in my life. And so, the finger of judgment hovered, and sometimes lingered. But it ended up judging in your favor.

What does it mean, then?

It might mean that I think you're doing an amazing job studying/working things that I find both esoteric and amazing. I appreciate your commitment to knowledge and understanding, however specific or broad, or your dedication to your craft.

It might mean that I appreciate the standard you set in character -- that I still remember your kindness, your compassion, your thoughtfulness toward others.

It might mean we've laughed a lot -- a lot. As I grow older, humor is becoming increasingly important. Someday, it might surpass kindness, or generosity, or even courage. I don't think it will ever surpass truth -- I think humor is often profound truth wrapped in a comprehensible way.

It might mean that I find your thoughts and ideas fascinating. Or frustrating. Or downright ridiculous. But in any case, I appreciate your unique perspective (and in some of your cases, it's got to be unique).

It might be because you've taught me about family, about what it's like to be a good mother or father. Even though I don't think I'll ever raise children, I draw from your struggles, your heroism with the ordinary inconveniences and trials of parenthood, and am proud of your love for these little, vulnerable beings. I can put up with a lot of bullshit and ridiculousness from a person as long as I am convinced that they are a good parent.

It might be because I served as a mentor or teacher to you, and I care about you -- yes, you! -- enough to keep the door open. I've learned a lot about myself in guiding you, and for that, you have my gratitude. As long as you don't disappoint yourself, you'll never disappoint me.

But in all cases, it's because there is at least one thing about you that I find admirable. I should tell you specifically what it is, and I might, especially if it encourages you to focus on that and stop doing all the other nonsense that drives me nuts.

Thank you for your patience. In matters of care and consideration of others, I'm often negligent. You deserve better, and I hope to be able to deliver.

Thanks for reminding me of my honor, and of what this life has to offer. Please continue to remind me.

Thanks for reading.


~ Rebecca Harbison said...

Thank you for writing this.

Ryan Yamada said...

Thanks for reading and commenting!

Ryan Yamada said...

More importantly, thank you for being you!