Saturday, November 24, 2012

Petition to the Obama Administration to Require a Facebook Dislike Button

Here is the text for the lazy:


Require Facebook to Provide a Dislike Button

Facebook has ignored petitions for a dislike button. As the prime social networking platform, it should better comply with the First Amendment, which protects free speech and respectful dissent.
Facebook finds a dislike button valuable enough to use internally, via Push Kharma, to provide feedback to its software engineers.
Here is why an opt-out dislike button is needed on Facebook.
1. It lets users express disapproval easily without being offensive.
2. A dislike button lets users distinguish between posts with little interest and controversial posts.
3. It works well on other websites.
4. Facebook accounts are not anonymous. Users are more accountable, making it less likely it will be abused.
5. An official button will destroy the demand for malware dislike button imposters.

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