Monday, October 29, 2012

Romney-Ryan hat is not made in China

Hm... I decided to write this because I'm starting to see independent repostings of this picture, suggesting it's viral:

Does the Romney-Ryan campaign use hats made in China?


The campaign store website shows two models of hat, neither of which is featured here. Also, the page clearly says, "All products are Made in the USA."

So where are they coming from?

Apparently, there's someone on making hats with the Romney-Ryan campaign logo. I doubt there's a financial relationship between the two, and if there is, it's almost certainly negligible.

Note that the hats tend to be almost as expensive as the Romney-Ryan campaign hats. I don't know if this is because of economies of scale for the official campaign hats, or fattened profit margins, or if it reflects increasing labor and shipping costs for textiles made in China. (Spoiler: it's probably the first one.)

So it's not obvious if this picture is a crappy and misguided attempt to tip Ohio voters by a liberal organization, or a clever Republican plant orchestrated by O'Keefe et al. Maybe it's an effort by domestic textile companies to ratchet up anti-China sentiment further. But I'm guessing it's an individual, and not a broader conspiracy involving white or black propaganda.

According to one source, as of the first Presidential debate, the Romney-Ryan campaign has not trademarked their logo. The Obama team has.

Without a trademark, I wonder whether the campaign could shut down these nonofficial hats. That is, assuming they'd want to -- perhaps they don't. But I could just as easily create a Romney-Ryan cat litter liner, or Kotex pad. Surely they'd object in those cases.

Any lawyers want to comment?

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