Friday, September 14, 2012

Holy War

Today, we have proof positive of the vile treachery of the heathen. And it is time to say that enough is enough.

For too long we have tolerated these fools and monsters. They do not deserve to live among us, if they deserve life at all. Why should they live, when every breath they take blasphemes our faith and mocks our values, when every child of theirs is allowed to grow into a subversive threat to our great nation? Why, in these false beliefs of tolerance and equality, do we permit this evil to grow?

Our leaders were fools to give them the chance to rise above our native children, to assume positions of power and influence, to bend over backwards to accommodate their different beliefs. And we have been repaid, time and again, by violence. It must end, and will end, God willing, by our hands blessed by Jesus Christ.

They do not respect or deserve the blessings of our nation - neither free speech, nor freedom, nor life itself - for they stand against all of these. They spit upon our way of life, out of jealousy, stupidity, or sheer evil.

Let it be done with the certainty of the faithful. Righteousness shall prevail over evil, and the world shall be made better by the sword. Let them burn, and let the vile filth of their lies and perversions burn with them.

For there is no other way we can serve God - anything short of complete and total annihilation of these servants of Satan would be an insult to Christendom and its King.

Murderers, rapists, pedophiles, sodomites! We will rain holy fire upon you and purge your very memory from this sacred earth. God calls his children to arms, and we shall be soldiers for Christ.

Before we can rid the world of this blight, we must first purge our neighborhoods of these incestuous vermin. They flock like greedy rats to our lands and bring naught but disease and perversions. For our family's sake, for our nation's sake, we must slay or expel every one, and all who have been touched by this evil.

God give us the strength to be His instrument of war.

Tomorrow, on St. Bartholomew's Day, we strike against the Hugenouts.

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