Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Never try to pick up a woman at a differently-abled Barnes and Noble.

Just got back from my differently-abled Barnes and Noble (no bathroom, no cafe, no tables). Got a passive-aggressive hint over loudspeaker that I'm not allowed to sit on the floor, and should take my practice CBEST test in the most uncomfortable wooden chairs.

But things could be worse. I saw what may have been a pretty attractive woman in a black dress eviscerate this poor guy trying to make small talk. Not exactly sure what she said in reply, but it was clear from his sigh and rapid exit that it was bad. He wasn't bad looking, or poorly dressed. But it's clear that she sensed weakness, and wouldn't tolerate it. Social Darwinism FTW!

Some time later, she threw me a glance as she left. Unfortunately, I was wearing my non-prescription but quite stylish and - most importantly - non-chafing, non-histamine-flaring sunglasses. It's possible she was checking me out. It's also possible she was annoyed that I was on the phone with my mom explaining that it's Dijon, not Dill, mustard. Or perhaps she was looking at the unlikely pairing of The Economist and Sarah Palin's Going Rogue on my lap. (I get a kick out of inducing cognitive dissonance in others and myself.) But even through the haze of myopia and astigmatism, I could see the glare of a woman used to stomping on hearts.

Makes me nostalgic for Ithaca, where the bookstore (Borders)  is big, the cafe comprehensive, and the only "bitches in black" are the wonderful baristas at Seattle's Best. And, I'm pretty sure, they wouldn't have given a damn that I was on the floor.

Moral of the story: Don't pursue women who are bitches to other men (if the men didn't deserve it). Or don't be attracted to second-generation Asian-American women. Or don't be a beta male.

Or maybe don't try to pick up women at a shitty excuse for a bookstore. Yeah, maybe that's it.

Fools say that they learn by experience. I prefer to profit  by others' experience
- Otto von Bismarck

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