Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Interesting forum on buying a car right nowthread

I'm interested in buying a car, mostly because my car is not interested in staying alive. A reputable dealer priced repairs at around $5k for it to make inspection, which doesn't include an additional $2-2.5k that was recommended, but put on hold, when I went in last time. It sounds ridiculous, but I really do trust this shop.

For those of you who don't know or remember, I drive a 1993 Toyota Camry, V6 LE. So it's completely ridiculous that I will put in $7.5k into this car, especially since I put in $1.7k a few months ago... >:(

Anyway, Fatwallet, a site I genuinely love, has a great thread on buying a car in the present environment. I may just move to a place that will let me use the Metro, but I'll keep this in mind.

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