Saturday, April 7, 2007


This morning I heard on NPR about a book titled Boomesday, a satirical work by Chris Buckley (former speechwriter for Bush41) describing a modest proposal that would solve the impending Social Security disaster caused by a mass exodus of Baby Boomers from the workforce. While I'm against -isms as much as the next aspiring limousine liberal, I find "Wrinklies" too irresistible and hilarious to let it pass without mention. Note: this is a NOVEL, not a detailed policy analysis of a serious issue.

Recognizing that fact, and also recognizing that for a modestly intelligent man I have completely neglected my personal finance obligations, I have recently opened a Roth IRA with Vanguard. Their targeted retirement funds have low expense ratios and enough international exposure that I can sleep better knowing that I have a modest hedge against a weakening dollar. (As a further hedge against inflation and a growing China, I also buried a stash of gold bullion, cheez whiz, and John Tesh CDs in the wilds of unwashed laundry that now decorate my room - my disgustingness provides a fairly foolproof security measure against theft.)

Finally, I had a wonderful dinner with a beautiful French postdoc. It's a shame I see too many flaws in academic life, because it does have its advantages...

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